Saturday, March 21, 2009

Induction by CIDB

Is anyone there?


Story about myself again, well i guess that's what a 'diary' for.

Today i attended a short course ( hey, 1 whole day actually maa..but still short lah compared to 3 days or a week..haha). The short course is compulsory for us-like future civil engineers-to get this so called 'green card'. For your information, the green card is like a lisence from CIDB, which allow the beholder to enter any construction site here in Malaysia. I don't know about other country la.
So as we are scheduled on going for internship next month, we MUST have this card.

Erm.. We were told by Dr Siti that this course is mainly about practising safety and health in occupation.. err, something close related to OSH (Occupational Safety and Health), just that it was conducted by CIDB.

My first thought was like urghh, this 6 hours talk gonna be VERY boring and i pictured myself doozing soundly on my seat there.

But guess what.

That course turned out to be the most hilarious thing i ever crossed with in the past few months. I've been really2 busy this semester and less less entertainment has make me like a 'semi-dull' little gurl.

U imagined, what has this guy did which none of us, i repeat , NONE of us can hide their rows of teeth during the talk.. Whoaaa.. what so amazing with him. He has this NON-STOP talking character plus LOADDS of funny jokes to be told and an excellent(yeah i typed excellent) acting and mimicking face which made us laugh our heart off..

Excitements conquering the atmosphere that time you know.

When we are not laughing heartily, then that means we were all MELOPONG listen to amazing facts about engineering told by him. Hey, i never ever pictured the real world outside u know. But today he was like opening a wide, in fact very wide door for us to see the real thing that happen out there.

And of course it was totally oppose to our heavenly, feeling good university life IN WHICH, we are all stressing out like hell.

God this was the most unforgetable talk in University i ever had. I seriously think that other talk , like career talk, blah blah talk , and blurr blurr talk should be conducted like this as well. Very minimal tense yet we got a lot lot things to ponder. It was like, non-formal, u know, easy, light way, where you don't have to ask students to pay attention, THEY will stay focus themselves, eager and hunger for more and more stories..

Credits to Mr Ir, Saiful Bahari. Our best instructor of the year. =)

To all my colleague, watch out of Rasuah and Chicks haaa...

1 comment:

Rahsia Kurus Pikat Lelaki said...

best bangat!!
DAMN GOOD dude!!!
i never attend talk like that..
He always talk and talk and talk...